Hi everyone! How are you all doing?
Well this is the last day of the Three Day Quote Challenge.
Thank you to Raven Wings, Genesisthe1 and My Crazy Obsession With Books for nominating me to do this.

Rules :

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for three consecutive days.
  • Nominate three new bloggers each day.

Here is the quote….


Nothing in this world is perfect and it is meant to stay that way. We are all human beings, we are not perfect and we make mistakes, that’s how it is supposed to be. We learn from these mistakes and ensure not to repeat them. Life is a continuing process of learning something and correcting our errors. Always allow yourself to be corrected in order for you to become a better person. Being perfect is just a dream but being a more knowledgeable and better person than you are today is way more realistic and surely achievable. Strive to be one as all you have to do is accept your flaws and love yourself the way you are.

My nominees :

Bye everyone! πŸ˜€



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